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Category: Health Articles

Health Articles

Ultrasound Imaging of The Breast

Ultrasound is usually the first diagnostic tool to evaluate breast lumps. Ultrasound imaging is safe, non-invasive and does not use radiation. Your doctor may schedule a breast ultrasound for: Evaluation of a breast lump Assessing unusual nipple discharge Painful or inflamed breasts Monitoring breast implants Monitoring existing breast lumps Complementing findings of other examinations like

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Health Articles

Digital 3D Mammography & Vacuum Stereotactic Biopsy

Digital 3D Mammography and Vacuum Stereotactic Biopsy – the result of Assunta’s ongoing commitment in supporting women’s health. Should I get a Tomosynthesis instead of just a Mammogram? The overwhelming answer is … YES! The information details provided by 3D mammography is unquestionably better than 2D. Fewer False Alarms Rather than a flat, single breast

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Health Articles


Gout is clinically suspected in patients with a typical history and examination findings. Diagnosis is then confirmed by joint aspiration showing monosodium urate crystals. However, in most cases diagnosis can be made clinically with a good degree of certainty without the presence of crystals. A history of previous attacks that are self-limiting (7-14 days) supports

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Health Articles

Laser in ENT & Head and Neck Surgery

Today, laser surgery plays a leading role in minimally invasive techniques in ENT surgeries, particularly in the treatment of aerodigestive tract malignancies where the aim is to preserve the organ. Because of the precise cutting and superficial well delineated effect of the laser, it is widely used in head and neck region. It is used

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Health Articles

Lasers in Ophthalmology

The term LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.  Laser Characteristics The special feature of lasers that make them effective is coherence. Coherence is both spatial and temporal.  Spatial coherence allows precise focusing of the laser beam, while temporal coherence allows selection of monochromatic wavelengths within a single laser. Spatial

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Health Articles


Haemorrhoids are plexus of veins in the anal canal. These are also called Anal Cushions. Those situated above the dentate line are internal haemorrhoids and those below are called external haemorrhoids Internal haemorrhoids The submucosal plexus of veins above the dentate line form the internal haemorrhoids (common sites are the 3, 7, and 11 o’clock

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Health Articles

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are tortuous dilated veins in the legs. They are commoner in women and often run in families. They get worse during pregnancy and many female patients will say their vein problems started during their first pregnancy. The first symptom is the unsightly appearance of the veins. Patients complain of pain especially after standing

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Health Articles

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is the non-invasive use of laser energy to generate a photochemical response in damaged or dysfunctional tissue. It is a FDA cleared modality that reduces inflammation and reduce pain. Safe, scientifically proven and trusted treatment from USA. Highly recommended for elderly suffering from all forms of arthritis, degeneration, injury, diabetic wounds. This unique

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