The New Normal

The New Normal

New norms Avoid the three Cs Fight against COVID-19 is far from over Continue to practice protective measures Continue to protect ourselves and others Cover your coughs and sneezes with your flexed elbow to help prevent spread of virus Wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub Clean your hands before and…

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a life-long condition. RA causes inflammation, redness and pains. In the long term it can damage the joints. Every person has an immune system that helps them fight off infections such as bacteria and viruses. In RA the bodies immune system begins to attack its own joints and sometimes attack other…



Osteoarthritis (OA) basically means wear and tear of the joints. It is the commonest degenerative joint disease and a major cause of pain in adults. OA currently affects more than 25% of the populations above the age of 18 years-old. It occurs in the synovial joints and is caused by a combination of a few…